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The must-have accessories for a mid-tier Gaming Laptop

We take a look at some of the best accessories you can get for your Gaming Laptop

Laptops today are lighter, better, and more robust than ever, making them a lot more sought after, especially for gaming.


A gaming laptop.


Gone are the days when gaming on a laptop was virtually impossible. Laptops today, especially high-end ones, can perform just as well as some gaming PCs. While gaming laptops are complete machines, meaning they don’t require any additional hardware to run or play the latest games, there are a few accessories that can make the enhance the laptop gaming experience.

Laptop cooling pad


A laptop cooling pad.


Although most laptops have a good inbuilt cooling system, some particularly taxing activities such as gaming can make your laptop heat up rather quickly. The beefier the gaming laptop and the better and the more robust the gaming, the quicker and more often it will start to get hot. Laptops are somewhat more prone to overheating due to the components being much closer together, and laptops being smaller, so there is no space for the type of cooling that a PC would have.

If your components are prone to overheating, or are above the recommended temperature when you’re gaming, it’s a good idea to do use the laptop cooling pad. Some gamers like a cooling pad regardless of the power of the internal cooling of their laptop. Most laptop cooling pads also double as the laptop stand, so it is functional and convenient.

Especially useful for long gaming sessions, laptop cooling pads have become a sort of a necessity. Even if the internal cooling of your laptop is excellent, after a few hours of continuous, CPU and GPU heavy gaming, the components and your laptop are going to start to feel the heat.

Gaming mouse


A gaming mouse.


We can all probably agree that the trackpad on the laptop is definitely not meant for gaming. Imagine for a second trying to play an FPS game on a trackpad - it would be beyond annoying if not downright impossible.

If you use a laptop often even for non-gaming activities, having a mouse is just generally a better overall experience. The trackpad works great on the go where there’s no space for a mouse or other accessories, but gaming on the go will require a good mouse or a controller.

When it comes to gaming on a laptop however, a good gaming mouse is an absolute must. If you prefer to have a separate keyboard, you may do so, but the inbuilt laptop keyboard is well placed, comfortable and facilitates an excellent keyboard and mouse gaming experience.

RGB gaming mouse pad


A RGB gaming mouse pad.


If you’re going for a good mid-tier gaming mouse, then a good (and stylish) mouse pad is a must-have accessory. Obviously, we all want our gaming gear to RGB at least somewhat, but style isn’t the only reason to consider getting one.

Gaming mice will work with varying degrees of success on different surfaces. Some may be able to function excellently on a bare desk, while others may not register every movement. Depending on the surface, the precision of your mouse movement may be impaired, and you may experience inconsistent performance.

A decent gaming mouse pad should be reasonably big to give you enough space for comfortable movement, especially when it comes to FPS games.



A Xbox controller.


If you’re not the keyboard and mouse kind of gamer, then controller is really a no brainer. Not every laptop gamer likes using the controller, however vast majority of us still have one. Some games are a lot easier to play with a controller than with a mouse and (inbuilt) keyboard, but this is all down to personal preference.

For console gamers who already have an Xbox controller, its function and pairing is already seamlessly integrated into the PC, so setting one up is a beginner friendly process and it’s very simple. Controllers are excellent for games that require complex movement (for example, Warframe), as they make it easier to perform complex manoeuvres that requires several buttons to be pressed at any one time. This may be uncomfortable or daunting for many, in which case, controller is a must.



A gaming headset.


If you’re already playing online games, you know how good (and important) is to have a good headset.

You can speak to and communicate with your team, but also hear a lot clearer as other sounds are drowned out by your headset. Sure, your laptop has speakers and they’re most likely pretty good, but they cannot replicate neither the quality of sound nor offer the immersion that a gaming headset does. Not only does it make it easier to hear and react to the approaching enemies, but the immersion it offers is unparalleled, especially when it comes to ambient sounds and music in games.